This is the list of Telegram Groups related to colleges .

Within these groups, you can access links to various communities, supergroups, and chats focused on Telegram groups related to colleges . Engage with like-minded individuals who share a common interest and knowledge in the colleges realm. These groups serve as platforms for discussions, problem-solving, and exchanging wonders related to the world of colleges . Search more groups.

Link Title Description Memb Rating Msg Qlt Online Created MS MMS PL IN


up unaided med colleges 2022


196 0.83 0.66 0.16 09/2012



The purpose of this group is mainly for sharing ideas with regards to our courses! -PASS QUESTION,TRIAL QUESTION, PDFs, etc can be sent.

3517 0.51 0.46 0.02 01/2010


Mohawk college September 2022


551 0.41 0.38 0.03 03/2012


Cambrian College

This is a Community for Students of Cambrian College…

1395 0.34 0.32 0.01 07/2012


(2nd year)AU & AFFL.Colleges-- All courses (ONLY NOTES AND BOOKS)

Chats are not allowed in this grp ,soo only study related PDFs nd pictures are share in this grp Follow instagram account for more updates

316 0.15 0.0 0.13 06/2011


Scholarship ✌️ Doubts Delhi Colleges ( Desh ke Mentors )

All the steps are applicable to all colleges of Delhi whether it GOVT. or PVT. DTU, NSUT, IPU, DU, Pvt. colleges etc How to apply video Freshers Group @DTU_NSUT_IIITD_IGDTUW Main Group @jacdelhi20 Desh Ke Mentors

489 0.09 0.0 0.08 11/2012


College application

Sharing is caring 🤍

271 0.08 0.0 0.08 09/2012


الكليات العسكرية( ثانوي )⭐️

قروب غير رسمي يهدف الى تبادل الفائدة لتقديمات الكليات العسكرية .

4006 0.08 0.0 0.06 01/2011


Allahabad University (Main Campus + Affiliated Colleges)

Hello friends This is an unofficial group of students of University of Allahabad. Its a study group so plz ask & discuss only study related topics. Don't abuse anyone. Respect our sisters & don't breach their privacy. भाईचारा बनाए रखें 🙏🙏

570 0.05 0.0 0.03 12/2010


كليات الخليج

🔹ملتقى طلابي عام 🏫 اخبار الكليات - مشاركات - استفسارات 🔸تعليمات للأعضاء : 1- أحيوا الحق بذكره وأميتوا الباطل بتركه 2- تجنبوا الجدال غير المفيد 3- كل شخص مسؤل عن اي رسالة تصدر منه 🔴(تنبيه) هذا القروب اجتهاد شخصي ولا يمثل كليات الخليج بأي صفة .

1350 0.04 0.0 0.02 08/2011

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