This is the list of Telegram Groups related to efek .

Within these groups, you can access links to various communities, supergroups, and chats focused on Telegram groups related to efek . Engage with like-minded individuals who share a common interest and knowledge in the efek realm. These groups serve as platforms for discussions, problem-solving, and exchanging wonders related to the world of efek . Search more groups.

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Дефектологи Узбекистана

ℹ Группа создана для логопедов, дефектологов, сурдопедагогов специальных психологов и педагогов. ❗🚫 ЧАТ НЕ ПО ТЕМЕ 🚫❗ 📨По поводу рекламы: @defektolog 😍Магазин логопеда:👇👇👇 Акция🔥 @Pedagog_gk 👈Наши проекти🥰

4919 0.76 0.47 0.23 11/2006


Дефектолог кундалиги чат

Bu guruh "Defektolog kundaligi" kanaliga bog‘langan bo‘lib, asosan defektolog, tarbiyachilar, psixologlar orasida tajriba almashish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

265 0.29 0.0 0.27 07/2010


Aziz ne'matim-nutqni korreksiyalash va intellektni rivojlantirish markazi🗣🗣🗣

Markazimizda professional pedagoglar korreksion ish olib boradilar: ✅️Defektolog ✅️Logoped ✅️Oligofrenopedagog ✅️Psixolog Murojaat uchun: 📞+998901747416 📞+998908125545 🏡Toshkent shahar,"Yangi hayot"tumani,Yangi darxon mahalla,"Navro'z" ko'chasi 55uy

106 0.25 0.0 0.25 08/2013


Defektolog Logoped Bolalar Logopedi

Defektolog Logoped Barcha turdagi nutq nuqsonlarini bartaraf etamiz: Dislaliya Dizartriya Disgrafiya Disleksiya Rinolaliya Duduqlanish Eshitishda nuqsoni bor bolalar NTR (nutqi yo‘liq rivojlanmaganlik) BSF (bolalar serebral falaji ДСП) Logopedik massaj

128 0.23 0.0 0.23 11/2013




248 0.22 0.0 0.20 08/2012



SOG'LOM NUTQ SOG'LOM KELAJAK! Farzandimiz kelajagi bizning kelajagimizdir. 💐🌺 ✳️Tovush qo'yish ( S,Z,SH,L,R...)✅ ✳️Logomassaj✅ ✳️Duduqlanish✅ ✳️Sindrom daun✅ ✳️ZPR, ZPRR, ZRR✅ ✳️Autizm✅ ✳️DSP✅ ✳️Ad:7-1-20 Tel:+998936616571 ✳️Mur uchun admin @zarlogoped

1685 0.21 0.0 0.19 08/2011


Defektolog Logoped Psixolog xizmati bolalar uchun

✅ R tovushi ✅ Logo massaj ✅ MMD, ZPRR, ZRR tashxisdagi bolalar bilan ishlash ✅ Duduqlanishni bartaraf etish ✅ DENAS terapiya ✅ Psixolog xizmati 📭 @Defektolog_Logoped_Haqberdiyeva ☎️ +998993521223 M. Haqberdiyeva ☎️ +998993500240 L. Namozova

183 0.21 0.0 0.20 12/2012



Assalomu alekum gruppamga qo'shilgan ayolla bu gruppada farzandlarila uchun kereli ma'lumotlaga ega bo'lasila👭🧑‍🤝‍🧑👩‍⚕️

1065 0.20 none none none


Prezentatsiya ,slayd guruh

@Defektalogiya_D Bu guruhda siz istagan fanda slayd ya'ni prezentatsiya shuningdek mustaqil ish videorolik kurs ishi va boshqalarni tayyorlab beramiz.

105 0.18 0.0 0.17 09/2011



⚜️Только оригинал "POXUDEY_UZ" ⚜️Производство Франция, Австралия ⚜️Доставка 20 000 сум ⚜️Приемлемые цены ⚜️Обмена и Возврата НЕТ ⚜️Ташкент ⚜️ Админ Мафтуна

1147 0.15 0.0 0.14 09/2011

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