This is the list of Telegram Groups related to german it.
Within these groups, you can access links to various communities, supergroups, and chats focused on Telegram groups related to german it. Engage with like-minded individuals who share a common interest and knowledge in the german it realm. These groups serve as platforms for discussions, problem-solving, and exchanging wonders related to the world of german it. Search more groups.
Link | Title | Description | Memb | Rating | Msg Qlt | Online | Created | MS | MMS | PL | IN |
bitcoin_germany_bot |
Bitcoin_Germany |
none |
9786 | 0.86 | none | none | none | ||||
offtop_it_germania |
Оффтоп | IT 🇩🇪 Германия |
Правила: |
436 | 0.85 | 0.60 | 0.23 | 02/2011 | ||||
mmfgerman |
MMF Deutsche Community 🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 |
Website: Twitter: Group: @MMFcrypto | Channel: @MMFann |
242 | 0.84 | none | none | none | ||||
raspiblitz_de |
Raspiblitz German |
none |
698 | 0.68 | 0.55 | 0.10 | 10/2010 | ||||
loopnetworkgerman |
Loop Network | German Community |
none |
146 | 0.52 | none | none | none | ||||
bitcoinersgermany |
Bitcoin Germany |
Bitcoin Germany is a Telegram groups focused on cryptocurrencies also offer information on blockchain,ICO,airdrops,price analysis,token sales,exchange,and more. You can chat with other people interested in this topic and be updated with the latest news |
17295 | 0.48 | none | none | none | ||||
fromgermanywithlove |
Из Германии с любовью ❤️🇧🇪 |
Ургенч ⚜️Премиум товары из Германии🇩🇪 Витамины ,медикаменты, сладости, косметика,парфюмерия 💯 % немецкое качество Доставка по Узбекистану 🇺🇿 Есть доставка по городу🚕 В наличии и на заказ Доставка 7- 10 дней✈️ Обращаемся в личку📩 Админ: @FeyaCool |
136 | 0.46 | 0.0 | 0.44 | 01/2011 | ||||
itgermania_berlin |
IT 🇩🇪 Берлин |
Сообщество айтишников в Берлине Правила: Основная группа: @itgermania Наш сайт: Карта: Бот для отметки на карте: @itgermania_bot |
295 | 0.44 | 0.0 | 0.43 | 05/2011 | ||||
fitburngerman |
Fitburn 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭 | The world’s first lifestyle revolutionary burn-to-earn application! ⤵️ Grab your NFT T-shirt Sweat 💦 Burn Calories 🔥 Get Rewarded 💪🏻 🏅 Repeat 🔁 |
175 | 0.42 | 0.37 | 0.05 | 08/2012 | ||||
itgermania |
IT 🇩🇪 Германия |
Сообщество айтишников в Германии Правила: Оффтоп группа: @offtop_it_germania Наш сайт: Карта: Бот для отметки на карте: @itgermania_bot |
1861 | 0.32 | none | none | none |
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