This is the list of Telegram Groups related to salg .

Within these groups, you can access links to various communities, supergroups, and chats focused on Telegram groups related to salg . Engage with like-minded individuals who share a common interest and knowledge in the salg realm. These groups serve as platforms for discussions, problem-solving, and exchanging wonders related to the world of salg . Search more groups.

Link Title Description Memb Rating Msg Qlt Online Created MS MMS PL IN



Movimiento de acción civil contra la ruina sanitaria, social y económica en la que es encuentra inmersa España

1628 0.44 none none none


وحدات الامن البحرية الخاصة


656 0.35 0.27 0.06 05/2012


Qimmatbaho metallardan yasalgan zargarlik buyumlari

Ushbu guruppa Respublika “Hunarmand” uyushmasi tomonidan tashkil etildi. Hunarmandlarimiz oʼzaro suhbat almashishi, savdo qilishi va ish tajriba almashinishi mumkin.

270 0.30 0.0 0.30 01/2013



Bismillahir rohmanir rohim BU GURPPADA SIZ O'ZINGIZ VA OILA A'ZOLARIZGIZ UCHUN KERAK BO'LGAN BARCHA TURDAGI 👔👖👗👠👙🧦💍💄🎒👜🍳🍴🔪🎁 VA BOSHQA TOVARLARNI TOPISHINGIZ MUMKIN😊 Sotib olingan narsalar qaytarib olinmaydi🙅‍♀️ DOSTAVKA BOR 😍😍😍 🚘👌

563 0.30 0.0 0.28 05/2010



Kosmetika💄va Bijuteriya Ozdirivchi korsetlar Kapsulalar turli xildagilari Sumka, Klachlar, Liboslar👛 Sotilgan tovar qaytip olinmaydi va aliwtirilmaydi❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Dostafka har kuni 🚕 Admin;@zaxro95 tel;977347445

168 0.25 none none none


Universal shop💃💅👗👠💄

🙋🧕ayollar uchun kiyimlar👗 👶👨‍🦱👧Bolajonlarimiz uchun kiyimlar👕🎽 💄Original kasmetikalar 👍sifatli pastellar 💵Tolovlar naqd pul orqali 🚙🚚dastafka bor 🖐🏻👌🏻Sotilgan tovarlar qaytarib olinmaydi va almashtirilmaydi❌❌❌

125 0.24 none none none


Miss LaDy 🌸Gul🌸

TAWKENT XORAZM GRUPPA✈️ MANZIL.Urgench sh.Vodnik.Turon tuyxona TEL NOMER.93.467.37.74 Zaqazlar uchun. 🙋‍♀️ @MissLeDyGul 🙋‍♀️ OPTOM BOR🔻 DONA BOR🔺 Shahar ichi dasatavka bor pullik💲💲💲

663 0.24 0.0 0.22 01/2011


مریدان سلطان

🛑🛑🛑خــــیلی مـــــهــــــم🛑🛑🛑 قبل از هر چیزی این پیامو بخونید:‌ هر گونه بی احترامی, بحث های قومیتی یا شوخی های خرکی موجب حذف شما از گروه خواهد شد. و هیچ گونه بخششی هم در کار نیست. پس خواهشا ادب و شعور لازمو داشته باشید تو حرفاتون با سپاس

1164 0.23 0.0 0.21 03/2010


Xitoy universal group

♥️Assalomu aleykum 🌍Xitoy universal group 📦12-15 kunda keladi hamasi zakazga 💳Zakaz uchun 50% tòlòv 🔔Kargo 1kg _ 12$ 📮Murojat uchun: #Feruzka2811 yozila♥️ admin

226 0.23 0.0 0.23 07/2013


Gullar olami🌷💐🌹🌺🌼🌸

Sovunli gullar guruhimizga xush kelibsiz!Tug'ulgan kun va bayramlar uchun har xil turdagi hushbo'y gullar buyurtma berishingiz mumkun. Sovundan yasalgan gullar🌹 Qog'ozdan yasalgan gullar 🌷 Kanalimiz linki obuna bub quying

131 0.21 none none none

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