This is the list of Telegram Groups related to taker .

Within these groups, you can access links to various communities, supergroups, and chats focused on Telegram groups related to taker . Engage with like-minded individuals who share a common interest and knowledge in the taker realm. These groups serve as platforms for discussions, problem-solving, and exchanging wonders related to the world of taker . Search more groups.

Link Title Description Memb Rating Msg Qlt Online Created MS MMS PL IN


ITA Stakers | Community

142 0.27 0.0 0.23 06/2009


የክርስቶስ ተካፋዮች - Partakers of Christ


109 0.20 0.0 0.18 05/2010


Givers & Takers Discussion Board


1039 0.20 0.0 0.17 11/2009

RadixStakerDelegator | Radix Delegators

This channel is for delegator interaction

135 0.19 0.0 0.18 08/2011


Delta Kernel - Redmi Note 10 Pro (Max)


162 0.17 none none none



Blood TakerS FAMILY -conect us ➡️ @Shyn_Moghiseh Chanel ➡️ @Blood_TakerS

1586 0.14 0.0 0.13 07/2011


Atakeran | اتکران لواطگر

🥇👑اتکران لواطگر نسل جدید🥇👑 🏳‍🌈لواطمان سنگین است پرچممان رنگین است🏳‍🌈 جدا از اتک کصشرم میگیم کلن ۳ تا چیز 1جنبه زیاد 2 نلیسیدن و نمالیدن 3 و همکاری در اتک در صورت دیده شدن همکاری ادمین و به اکیپ میپوندی @potk_official

218 0.13 0.0 0.12 02/2011


FREE 4 MUET Candidates

This group is open to all MUET test takers. You can share any English materials here. We are MUET teachers who are happy to share knowledge and strategies to ace in MUET. ALL THE AYU CLASSES ARE FREE. IT IS REALLY FOC! Share this good news!

9183 0.13 none none none


Dr Jo Whitaker

Welcome!👋 TOPIC ORDER COVID CHANNEL. START AT THE TOP. Will make more sense to newly awake & to search. Emojis active; posting links off to keep the flow. Please share 😊 PCR Is there a virus? Who's behind it? What can we do?

172 0.13 0.0 0.12 01/2012


USMLE STEP 2 & 3 takers

Welcome! Here is a place for discussion ,solve the problems and preparing for usmle step 2 & 3 Aim high,Study hard,Live your dreams Please no game , no spam ... Join our qbanks channel : @usmle_qbanks 2020

13942 0.12 0.0 0.08 09/2008

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