Search Telegram data: 0 groups, 0 channels, 0 target members. Based on interests, language, location.

Teleteg the ultimate Telegram search engine

Built to enrich your search potential on Telegram.

Built for marketers

If you're aiming to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website or channel, or generate more leads. Teleteg can help you achieve your marketing goals on Telegram with our powerfull tools.

Designed to target

Whether you are searching for Telegram groups, channels, members or admins based on their interests, language, or location, Teleteg can assist you in finding precisely what you need.

Focused on precision

With additional search features, such as the percentage of online members, group age, and group quality index, you can narrow down your search and find only the target groups and channels that match your requirements.

The most useful resource
ever created for Telegram

With Teleteg's advanced search engine functionality, finding relevant groups, channels, admins, and members on Telegram is effortless. Teleteg's ever-expanding database and customizable search options make it easier to connect with your target audience, taking the hassle out of your Telegram marketing needs.

We have quite an experience
collecting Telegram data.

We've collected well over 5 billion Telegram data records.

Target users based on their interests profile.

We've gathered over 400 million target members based on their interests, language and location.

Deep and deeper search options.

We've made it possible to find and store over 3 million target groups and 4 million channels. 400,000 private groups and 300,000 private channels.


Stay focused on your business.
Let us handle the work.

You have a Telegram business to run. Stop worrying about finding and inviting an audience, identifying relevant groups to promote in, and contacting channel admins to spread the word. Let us do that for you, so you can focus on what matters most. Contat the manager






Happy customers

Fair, simple pricing for all.

All types of businesses need access to Telegram search resources, so we give you the option to decide how much you need to use.

$ 19

per 1000 records

Members count filter

Additional keywords filter

Language filter

Search limit filter

Keywords filter

Group search tool

Channel search tool

Member search tool

Admin search tool

User info search tool

Top 100 results deep

Qualify for level 2
$ 95

per 7500 records

Stop words filter

Group rating filter

Search type feature

Members count filter

Additional keywords filter

Language filter

Search limit filter

Keywords filter

Group search tool

Channel search tool

Member search tool

Admin search tool

User info search tool

500 results deep

Qualify for level 3


We offer variable pricing with discounted credits and additional search features for advanced clients.

See more plans

Can I use Teleteg to find target groups and members?

Absolutely. The Teleteg is built to help marketers and channel owners discover the Telegram market and increase their audience.


Can I find admins of the channels?

Yes. We have created a feature to find channels and their admins in bulk, based on channel content categories.


Can I get the filtered list of records?

Yup! At Teleteg, we strive to make search results as relevant as possible. You have various options to filter the search results when logged in to your user dashboard.


Do you have a free trial?

Yes. On Teleteg, everyone gets the top 10 search results for free, although deeper data research is only available for paid users.

Get started

Sign up on Teleteg to conduct in-depth searches on Telegram.

Join Teleteg free today and discover the top 10 search results for your ideal Telegram audience! For deeper data research, upgrade to our premium plan and unlock even more powerful features to take your marketing strategy to the next level. Don't wait - sign up now to get started!

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