Why is Telegram Search a complex subject? There are millions of groups and channels in Telegram, and the original search option that is built-in in the Telegram app is hard to say useful, as long as it only shows three results when you request any of your search terms. There are few more results you can get when using the desktop version of Telegram, but neither of them ...
Telegram group search is a basic need for users and is in high demand. However, Telegram itself does not want to share this information and users have to find it themselves in a way that they can. So what are the options?
You can search Telegram groups in Google and sometimes get mixed results, which will require you to go through each one manually to determine whether they are a group, channel or a random post which has the keyword you are searching for.
Another technique is to use Telegram group lists that you can also find in any search engine, like Bing, Baidu or Yandex. This list is basically a private collection of someone who collected and organized it for a particular use, based on their own interests. An example can be a list of groups for a programmers, which contain a number of communities related to IT and programming languages like Python, C++, Ruby, etc. This list can be a good help when you're looking for chats in a particular niche. For example, we found one list like this on GitHub.
Third way to find Telegram groups is to go to Telegram Directory. This website holds a large library of Telegram chat links. Each page is dedicated to a specific topic, based on language, country, city, or an interest based on keywords like: Startups, Data Science, or even Digital marketing Telegram groups.
One more strategy to search for the supergroups is to use Telegram search bot. There are few bots available in the niche. It is easy approach to find chats because you don't have to leave the app and can proceed to the search right in the Telegram. Simply switch to the bot to performe the search. You will need to type your search term in the bot search bar to get a result. The only downside of this method is that we couldn’t find the right bot that would suit all of our needs as long as none of them delivered quality results for a lot of keywords. To learn more about this subject, we will write a detailed review on Telegram search bots.
Last but not least, search the groups with a Telegram search engine. This is the same way you use Google to search the web, now you can search Telegram too. This is a new method and it is a fresh start for a Telegram search engines to be developed. For now, there are a few that deserve your attention, and we mentioned them in a detailed review of Telegram search engines. Many of them have mixed results, similar to those you will get in Google and based on the same marketing strategy, to sell ads in search results. Compared to this, there is an app that aims to make it really useful for the user, awarding them with a deep research tool that allows them to search anything in Telegram, such as groups, channels, admins, subscribers, and group messages. This can be a powerful tool in the hands of marketers and regular users, to target their audience or to quickly search for any of their queries. Sign up to receive 30 free daily searches and test the platform's usability
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